Alexander Bowerman

Game Developer · Programmer · 3D Artist · Email


  • Blight Brew

    UE Unreal Engine Project

    In this video I showcase the game mechanics within the Blight Brew project in Unreal Engine 5 that I am working on for my Capstone Project in association with my degree at Algonquin College

    Features of the Player System:

  • - Third Person Camera modes
  • - Networked weapons, animations, player mesh
  • - Inventory, Points, Health, Stamina
  • Features of the User Interface:

  • - Main Menu with settings sub-menu and credits sub-menu
  • - Loading Screen with Dynamic Tips
  • - Floating Stamina Bar next to Player
  • - Time Widget which tracks time of day

    UE Unreal Engine Project

    In this video I showcase the game mechanics within my current project iNFECTED.

    Features of the Player System:

  • - First Person & Third Person modes
  • - Networked weapons, animations, player mesh
  • - Inventory, Points, Health, Stamina
  • Features of the Weapon System:

  • - Fully modular templated Weapon System
  • - Variables can be tweaked within the editor to create new guns
  • - UI reflecting ammo in clip, and reserve
  • Features of the Zombie AI System:

  • - Locomotion
  • - Player Tracking & Pathfinding
  • - Melee Damage to Player
  • Features of the Game Manager System:

  • - Tracks Players & Zombie Spawners
  • - Delegates Zombie Amount and Type to spawn at each Spawner
  • - Controls Game State
  • - Scales difficulty based on which Round the Players are at

    UE Unreal Engine Project

    In this video I showcase the game mechanics within a Life Sim.

    Features of the Building System:

  • - Grid System with Grid Snapping
  • - Rotation and Mouse Position for Preview
  • - Colour changing for Preview Material based on Can/Can't Build
  • Current Features of the World System:

  • - World Time
  • - Pause, Normal, Fast Forward, Fast Fast Forward time scaling
  • - Play Modes will affect scaling (Build/Buy = Pause) , (Play = Normal)
  • Current Features of the UI System:

  • Needs that will deplete over time
  • Build Window where player can place Walls/Windows/Doors
  • Buy Button where Player can place furniture (increase needs on use)
  • Time controls
  • Live Preview of Player
  • XEngine

    UE Custom Game Engine

    In this video I showcase the custom engine I created.

    Interactive User Interface

  • - Created with Imgui
  • - Windows are customizable and dockable
  • - Viewport is resizable & scales
  • Graphics

  • - OpenGL (GLSL)
  • - Support for Custom Textures, Shaders and Meshes
  • - Custom Skybox
  • Component System

  • - GameObjects with Transform Component
  • - MeshComponent to add a Mesh to a GameObject
  • - PhysicsBodyComponent to add Physics to a GameObject
  • - ComponentManager to address components
  • Collision System

  • - Collision Bodies (Box, Sphere, Cylinder, Capsule)
  • - Collision Profiles (Query, Physics, Query and Physics, None)
  • - Collision Actions (Impulse, Joint, Torque, Gravity, Boundary, None)
  • - Collision Constraints (Hinge Joint, Point Constraint, Six Degrees of Freedom Constraint, Slider Constraint)
  • - Axis Clamping (X, Y, Z, XY, XZ, YZ, XYZ, None)
  • Scenes

  • - Virtual Class for Scenes
  • - Identify if the World is 2D or 3D
  • - Add GameObjects to the Scene
  • - Switch between Scenes with UI

    U Unity Project

    In this video I showcase the newly added Randomized Harvest Cycles for the Resource System, Notification UI System integrated with the Skilling System, and Audio Controls within the Settings UI.

    Features of the Randomized Harvest Cycle:

  • - Randomized Cooldown time in-between harvests
  • - Randomized max yield amount of resources
  • - Current yield amount tracking (will not reset if defocused, but will only update when within render distance of player)
  • Current Features of the Notification System:

  • - Notification Queue using FIFO Logic (First In, First Out)
  • - Level-Up Notification added to the Queue, on Skill Level-Up
  • - Firework Audio Clip played upon notification shown.
  • Current Features of the Settings System:

  • - Master Volume (controls all volume output, main mixing channel)
  • - Music Volume (controls music volume output, child mixing channel of main)
  • - Game Volume (controls 3D-SFX, 2D-SFX(UI), and other various game volume output, child mixing channel of main)

  • Unity Project: OverWorld

    U Unity Project

    In this video I showcase the game mechanics within Overworld.

    Features of the Dialogue System:

  • - Modular Dialogue System, can add new dialogues to NPCs very easily
  • - Pitch Ranges can be set for NPCs to make them speak at a desired vocal pitch
  • - Dialogue can be triggered manually, or automatically when within range
  • - Dialogue can be dependent on completed quests
  • Current Features of the Quest System:

  • - Quest Log UI
  • - Ability to Accept or Decline Quests
  • - Quests give an EXP and/or Currency reward
  • - Quest Types include: Fetch, Kill, Task
  • Current Features of the Menu System:

  • Main Menu:
  • - Play button to jump into the game
  • - Settings button to enter Sub-Menu for settings
  • - Quit button to quit to desktop
  • Settings Sub-Menu:
  • - Volume Control, allows the player to adjust Master Volume, Music Volume and Game Volume
  • - Graphics Settings, allows the player to adjust Resolution, Texture/Rendering Quality, Fullscreen Toggle

  • Unreal Project: Life Is Short

    UE Unreal Engine Project

    In this video I showcase the game mechanics within Life Is Short.

    Features of the Animation System:

  • - Locomotion
  • - Close Quarters Combat
  • - Falling based on height and velocity
  • Current Features of the Economy System:

  • - Player has a wallet with currency
  • - ATMs are placed around the map, which give player's access to their bank balance
  • - Players can withdraw and deposit currency into/from their bank balance
  • Current Features of the Interaction System:

  • - Players can interact with Game Objects derived from the parent Interactable Class
  • - Interactables are modular and can be modified to serve any purpose desired

  • Example Unity 3D Project Template

    U Unity Project G GitHub Template
    Unity Logo

    This Github Project Template is a Free to Use asset for anyone who desires to use it

    I created this to help other Game Developers save time when creating repos for a Unity 3D Project, and streamline their workflow


Programming Languages





Development Tools

Unity Unity

Unreal Engine Unreal Engine

Design Tools

Blender Blender

3DS 3DSMax

File Management Tools

Git Git

CM CMake

  • Game Engine Research & Development
  • Game Mechanic Testing & Debugging
  • Cross Functional Teams
  • Agile Development & Scrum



RWS Logo Running With Scissors

UE Unreal Engine
  • CPP Game Mechanic Programming
  • CPP Engine Programming
April 2024 - Present

Game Programmer

Too Many Eyes
UE Unreal Engine
  • CPP Game Mechanic Programming
  • CPP Engine Programming
  • CPP User Interface Programming
  • CPP AI Programming
September 2022 - April 2023

Game Developer

XenoryxLogo Xenoryx Studios
UE Unreal Engine
  • CPP Game Mechanic Programming
  • CPP Engine Programming
  • B Game Asset Design
  • O Documentation
U Unity
  • CS Game Mechanic Programming
  • CS Script Development
  • B Game Asset Design
  • O Documentation
XEN XEngine
  • CS Game Mechanic Programming
  • CPP Engine Programming
  • GL Graphics Programming
  • CM Engine Packaging, Formatting & Building
July 2020 - Present

Game Programmer

Champignon Studios
UE Unreal Engine
  • CPP Game Mechanic Programming
  • CPP Engine Programming
December 2020 - April 2021


Algonquin College

Advanced Diploma · Game Development
  • Game Programming in C++/C#
  • Game Engine Programming in C++, GLSL, Lua
  • 3D Modelling, Rigging, Animation in 3DSMax
  • Game Design Document, Level Design Document, Technical Design Document, Module Design Document
January 2020 - April 2024

Carleton University

Bachelor of Fine Arts · Psychology
  • Learning Behaviours
  • Pattern Analysis
  • Sociology
September 2016 - April 2018